Wine Yeasts

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Red Star Wine Yeasts             Lalvin Wine Yeasts             Wyeast Wine Yeasts


Red Star Wine Yeasts:   5 gm packets for 5 gallons

Cat #



4900 Montrachet all purpose, for full bodied red and white wines 1.50
4902 Premier Cuvee (prise de mousse) for all wines, and stuck fermentations 1.50
4904 Pasteur Champagne for red, white and fruit wines, and stuck fermentations. Higher alcohol tolerance (12%) 1.50
4906 Flor Sherry for sherry based wines and secondary fermentations 1.50
4908 Cote de Blanc (epernay2) for all wines, fruit wines and sparkling wines 1.50
4910 Pasteur Red general purpose for red wines 1.50


Lalvin Wine Yeasts:    5 gm package for 6 gallons

Cat #



Alcohol Tolerance Price  
4915 K1V-1116 for red and white grapes and juices 12-14 % 1.50
4917 EC-1118 for red & white 4 week wines, and sparkling wines 18 % 1.50
4919 71B-1122 for red grapes and red long term concentrate 14 % 1.50
4923 D47 for whites and blush, with enhanced varietal character 12-14 % 1.50
4921 RC 212 for young reds, with enhanced varietal character 12-14 % 1.50


Wyeast True Brew Liquid Wine Yeasts: 175 ml smack-pack

Cat #


Description     PRICE  
Y4021 XL Prise de Mousse crisp and dry, for sparkling, white wines, and fruit wines        10.00
Y4028XL Chateau Red for rapidly maturing red and white wines        10.00
Y4134XL Sake use in conjunction with koji to produce Asian rice based beverages        10.00
Y4184XL Sweet Mead top fermenting, leaves residual sugar after fermentation        10.00
Y4632XL Dry Mead classic mead yeast for a dry finish, low foaming     10.00
Y4007XL Malo-Lactic softens wines by converting harsh malic acid to milder lactic acid        11.50
